Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There's a Fly in My Perfume

The following is a stream of consciousness, considering emotionalism. 

Being aware of my emotions (what they are, where they came from and why they're there) is much different than allowing my thoughts and actions to be born through them. Just because a seemingly inherent form of jealousy bubbles up inside of me, doesn't mean it's a justifiable feeling, right? I try to suppress that; jealousy can be gross. So what if a seemingly inherent form of happiness bubbles up inside of me? Is it justifiable that because something shoots happy neurons, and since we enjoy it, we gobble up those electrical charge and accept them as right, justifiable, comforting, reliable? 

This is from a book I'm reading by John Wooden:

"If you can't control your emotions, your emotions will control you. And when emotions are running the show, you will lose. I distrust emotion and fear emotionalism. The former leads easily to the latter--out-of-control feelings that diminish your effectiveness. An emotional leader is apt to lose clear thinking. When this occurs, you are helping the competition--making its job easier. Emotionalism can be a fatal flaw. I place the greatest value on intensity. It's the difference between a welder's arc and a forest fire."

Okay, so he's talking about basketball. It's a little different, but a lot the same. 

This is from a book I'm reading that is possibly by King Solomon:

"Dead flies make a perfumer's oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor. A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." (Ecclesiastes 10:1-2)

So my fly sized idiocy can ruin an entire vat of sweet smelling wisdom and honor. 

I think.

And a man who is foolish, may truly believe that his heart is telling him to go one way, do one thing, say one thing. But he's an idiot! Since his heart is directing him, he thinks he should follow it. Which would be fine, if he weren't inherently stupid. So follow your heart, unless you're an idiot.

I don't know if this is the correct or popular interpretation of these verses, but I like it. It's hilariously brutal in increasing my awareness. 

What do you think? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OK attepmt number two, I will definitely have to come back and comment again but I will start with this. The little thing on emotions running I feel is true. Right now I am unable to find a happy medium. If I put a lock on emotions I am a depressing person to be around. If I let them run then I am an unbelievable person. You have definitely struck a thinking blood cell... I will have to come back to this in a bit =)

  3. this is funny, I just posted a blog today about this scripture and found you by "accident"... it's a good word isn't it!
    Blessings to you!
